
Design, Plan and Estimate your Data Warehouse

The expert approach to developing a data warehouse bus matrix

Use SchemaSight to quickly design your Data Warehouse, plan delivery and communicate scope, effort, and status.

The proven approach to Data Warehouse Development


Succinctly capture and document the high-level design of your enterprise-wide data warehouse


Rate facts and dimensions by complexity and SchemaSight will automatically estimates build time


Agile development within an master design. Deliver value sooner while ensuring each iteration conforms to an overall design


Share the Matrix to collaboratively design with other modellers, designers and stakeholders


Easily communicate the scope, coverage and high-level design to stakeholders, developers and end-users

Track Status

Capture the status of Facts and Dimensions to communicate the progress of the project to team members and stakeholders


View the Data Warehouse Bus Matrix in different ways, sorting by Status, alphabetical order, or drag and drop your own Custom order


Export your Data Warehouse Bus Matrix to an Excel spreadsheet

Why use SchemaSight?

Built specifically for Data Warehouse matrix design

Building a Data Warehouse matrix using Excel can be tricky. You are constantly copying formulas, cutting and pasting rows etc. Let alone rearranging it to communicate status or to generate estimates.

SchemaSight is an online interactive tool for creating a Kimball Data Warehouse Bus Matrix. Capture Facts, Dimensions and their Relationships (including Role plays). Drag and drop to order the Facts and Dimensions to your liking, or toggle between prebuilt sort filters.

Features include:
  • Add and delete Facts and Dimensions
  • Add relationships, including role plays
  • Assign Status to Facts and Dimensions
  • Define Fact and Dimension Complexity
  • Custom Complexity settings
  • Automated Estimate breakdowns
  • Drag-and-drop and pre defined sorting
  • Excel export
  • Team Collaboration through Sharing

Automatic Calculated Estimate Breakdowns

Use SchemaSight to quickly estimate the effort required to develop each Fact and Dimension.

An accurate Data Warehouse Matrix estimate helps with business case development, iteration planning, resource management, and recruiting.

Using SchemaSight, a designer defines Complexity categories (e.g. Simple, Medium, Complex, Highly Complex) and their estimates. Estimates are further decomposed into development sub tasks (e.g. Anaysis/Profiling, Modeling, Build/Unit Test). The designer then assigns a complexity score to each Fact and Dimension.

The outcome is a fully estimated Data Warehouse project.

Export to Excel

Use SchemaSight to edit, sort and estimate your Data Warehouse matrix, and then export to excel to share it with others

A better alternative is to use SchemaSight's share functionality to always share a single, up-to-date version with your team and stakeholders online.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does SchemaSight cost?

SchemaSight is available for Free! While there is a paid subscription tier that offers some extra functionality and greater team sharing options, the free version will always allow you and a small team to design and build a Bus Matrix of any size.

What's the difference between the free version and the paid?

If you are a small team, the free version will offer you everything you might need. Extra functionality around sharing across large teams, and extra drill-down abilities are available in the paid version.

Can I export my matrix?

Absolutely! A Bus Matrix has traditionally been built using a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, and while SchemaSight offers much more functionality and ease of use than Excel, you can simply export your SchemaSight Bus Matrix out to an Excel spreadsheet with one click.

If you are looking to share your Matrix, we highly recommend our robust share feature. This ensures you are sharing and collaborating with your team and stakeholders using a single, up-to-date version at all times.

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